woman with skin pigmentation in red patches

For every endeavor in life, there are always pros and the cons. If well-informed, a person can weigh out the good against the bad and make an informed decision.  Concerning the uses of picosecond laser for resolving skin pigmentation, we will look at both sides in this article. Especially will consideration of this subject be important to those who have at one time pondered medical aesthetic treatments.

Advantages of Picosecond Laser

  1. Multi-dimensional in use – Picosecond laser is not just used for removing tattoos, it is also used for other types of treatment of the skin. For example, it is widely used in the treatment of stubborn wrinkles, in the treatment of acne, in skin rejuvenation, in improving skin texture, tone, and pore size.
  2. Effectiveness – While non-laser treatment can be effective to an extent; none of them is as effective as the use of picosecond laser. Consider its use in tattoo removal. Other methods like the use of chemicals, use of surgical operation may be able to remove tattoos, but they do at a certain cost to the patient’s body. Such costs might be deformation of an entire area of the skin. Picosecond however does what they do even better, and at no physical cost to the skin.
  3. Energy Efficiency – Recent findings have shown picosecond laser pulses pulsed laser interactions, above 10 joules per square centimeter (J/cm²) can remove more materials while using less energy than longer wavelength pulses.
  4. Lower cost – Contrary to what many people might think, picosecond lasers are affordable by even the common man especially if a shorter wavelength is what is needed for your treatment. In many countries like Singapore, the prices are set such that everyone can utilize the treatment. It offers many other advantages in terms of cost, efficiency, and damage control.

Disadvantages of Picosecond Laser

  1. May leave marks on the skin – There is some risk of leaving a small mark, but usually that is not the case.
  2. Extra Cost in Some Countries – In most European countries, the cost of the treatment might be a little bit high. That has made some people question if the treatment is worth it or not. In the UK for example, it might cost around a hundred thousand pounds for extensive use of the treatment.
  3. Susceptibility to Skin Pigmentation Disorder – If you are also suffering from certain skin conditions, picosecond laser is not for you. One of such skin conditions is recalcitrant melasma. Make sure to do your research and consult a professional aesthetician.


Picosecond laser is an advanced and notable method in the medical field. It is here to stay because of its wide array of use in treatments. The advantages and the disadvantages of using picosecond laser have been discussed in this article. So, the next time you feel you might need this, it will be good to weigh your options and make sure you are informed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Picosecond Laser Treatments